Behind the curtain
These images are glimpses into what goes on during the (often messy) printmaking process.
For more information about the methods I use please see this printmaking guide.
Chichen Itza
Contructing a collagraph plate
Chichen Itza
Inking up a collagraph plate
Chichen Itza
An inked collagraph plate ready to go through the press.
Chichen Itza
Pulling the first proof of a collagraph print.
Ammonites III
Pulling a collagraph print.
Barn Owl
A collagraph plate inked and wiped and ready for printing.
Fountains Abbey
A collagraph plate inked in multiple colours, ready to be passed through the press.
Another collagraph monoprint inked and wiped, ready for printing.
Velvet Ears
Wiping the ink on a collagraph plate to create details.
Pulling a collagraph print.
Fountains Abbey
Pulling a collagraph print.
Robin Nest
Adding ink to a collagraph plate.
Four Seasons Series
Starting to construct a collagraph plate.
Four Seasons series
Cutting out a collagraph plate.
Four Seasons series
Making running repairs to a collagraph plate. They are often very fragile and can produce only a few impressions.
Four Seasons series
Some stages in inking up a collagraph plate.
Shadow Cat
Carving a piece of Japanese vinyl for a linocut.
Shadow Cat
Rolling ink for a linoprint.
Whitby Abbey
Close up detail of a collagraph plate.
Whitby Abbey
A collagraph plate sealed with shellac and ready for inking.